Blunt as it may seem, I have to agree with Cofty and Outlaw.
Anders Andersen
JoinedPosts by Anders Andersen
The Atheist Delusion
by looter inatheist delusion.
just want to know what the ex jw community thinks about this video and also offer my pov.
the video was actually an advertisement on here.
Britain Branch Relocation Project - 7 BOE's
by wifibandit in2016-08-16 branch relocation project - key events.
2016-08-17 branch relocation project - personnel needs.
2016 key events programme.
Anders Andersen
Where are the relocating to...Selters, Germany? :-D
WT wants to throw out lawsuit in Vermont
by Sugar Shane inkinda surprised this hasn't popped up on here yet.
article is just a couple days old.
it's in the small, but pretty state of vermont.
Anders Andersen
What is interesting is this quote from Watchtower though:
And to claim that the congregation was required to "monitor" interactions in private homes between individuals who are not engaged in any religious activity "is beyond the legal or feasible scope of any possible undertaking. Because the specific 'service' for which (Lewis) claims protection in this case is beyond the scope of any 'monitoring' service the (congregation) could possibly or legally provide, (Lewis') claim fails as a matter of law."
If only elders gave this response whenever someone came to them complaining he saw some brother engaged in sin.
'I saw porn in brother Xs browsing history'
'Unmarried X and Y spent the night in a hotel together'
'I saw sr X smoking'
'While at work in the hospital, I noticed in the records X had a blood transfusion'
Sorry folks, it's beyond the legal and feasible scope of our congregation to monitor private activities...
Grants to Watchtower?
by StarTrekAngel incan someone help dissecting this?
i stumbled upon this on another forum.
links to a site that claims to track non-profit tax forms.
Anders Andersen
ÏI just did a quick look.
- I only found 4 grants to WTBS of Pennsylvania, not 6. Your link is not working for me.
- Some of these grants are received from organizations that manage grants. I.e. I send my money to that organisation, tell them to manage it, and send some money to Watchtower every now and then. The same organisation will of course also manage grants for other people, who might have specified other charities as beneficiaries. There is no link between Watchtower and other charities receiving money through (not from) the grant-managing organisation.
Edit: there's 6 indeed for Watch Tower of Pennsylvania ....and 4 more for Watchtower of New York. Mind the gap ;-)
Which Scripture "don't judge others customs"?
by Drifting Away ini am starting to get to the boiling point, to make a long story short, i am getting hounded from alot of family and elder visits.
i sorta put a halt on the elder visits, but the family is starting in on me now.
anyway to get back to topic, what scripture is it that says something to the affect of that do not judge how some celebrate there customs or beliefs or something like that?.
Anders Andersen
Oops typo....Romans 14:5 indeed :-D -
Paranormal Warning
by Cold Steel ini've heard some weird stories coming from jws about the paranormal.
i know about the warnings about items that come from unbelievers -- those don't interest me as much.
what i am interested in are actual experiences in stories of the paranormal you've heard or experienced yourself.
Anders Andersen
You realize that 'Satan' is not answer to you question why evil exists right?
Because if humans can't do evil without outside influence (Satan), why would Satan be able to do evil without outside source?
- Satan, supposedly created as a perfect, holy angel to serve God in righteousness.
- Humans, supposedly conceived in sin, their every thought wicked, and with a treacherous heart.
Does it make any sense to say that wicked humans need Satan to do evil, but a holy angel can come up with wicked stuff all by himself?
These myths don't make any sense. Let them where they belong...a couple thousand years in the past...
Which Scripture "don't judge others customs"?
by Drifting Away ini am starting to get to the boiling point, to make a long story short, i am getting hounded from alot of family and elder visits.
i sorta put a halt on the elder visits, but the family is starting in on me now.
anyway to get back to topic, what scripture is it that says something to the affect of that do not judge how some celebrate there customs or beliefs or something like that?.
Anders Andersen
Romans 4:6?
The whole chapter is about "get lost trying to judge me".
Is Pokemon Demonic?
by Saename in[spoiler: pokemon is an invitation to communication with or possession by demons because... well... pokemon comes from demons.
so... i was looking through different questions on quora, and i noticed one that read, "is pokemon demonic?
" i was interested in seeing what people have to say, especially that not so long ago there was a thread (or a post in a thread?
Anders Andersen
Yeah, there are some cuckoo JW promotors on Quora. I battle them when I feel like it, exposing all their dirty little secrets.
Btw this guy isn't even the worst of them. Some just answer every question with a short but shameless 'find your answer on' plug. This guy just writes down his own weird beliefs without (directly) promoting the cult.
What will Tony say?
by konceptual99 ingenuine picture from a convention in holland.
what will tony say?!.
Anders Andersen
What's strange about the name plates? They look like the ones they always have in the Netherlands.
What will Tony say?
by konceptual99 ingenuine picture from a convention in holland.
what will tony say?!.
Anders Andersen
I wish you did know, because I would have one more apostate friend that I know irl :-D
And I don't care much if I'm outed. Everyone who knows me knows I'm out anyway. And while I'm not DFed/DAed after last convention that might not make a difference anymorr either.
It's just that finding out my activities here would very much upset my wife, and I'd like to prevent that from happening :-D